Guestrooms at the Westin Arlington Gateway will be based on availability offering at the best available rate. To reserve your room, please contact the hotel at (888) 627-7076. Cancellations must be received at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to arrival and a cancellation number is obtained. An early departure fee of one night’s room and tax will apply if customer checks out prior to the confirmed checkout date. Upon reserving your room, please review your hotel confirmation for all policies and deadlines.
Westin Arlington Gateway
801 N. Glebe Road
Arlington, VA 22203
Direct: (703) 717-6200
Reservations: (888) 627-7076
Online reservations
Airport Transportation
Shuttle: Transportation to and from both Washington DC airports, Reagan National Airport (DCA) and Dulles International Airport (IAD), is provided by a private company, Super Shuttle which is located 4 miles from Reagan National Airport and 18 miles from Dulles International Airport.
Contact them directly for reservation information:
The per-person, round trip prices are currently:
- Reagan $14.00 per person
- Dulles $29.00 per person
Taxi: ~$52 from airport to hotel
Metro: The closest metro stop is Ballston Station
Parking: Hotel Valet
The Hotel parking prices are:
- 0 to 1 Hour - $8.00
- 1 to 2 Hours - $12.00
- 2 to 12 Hours - $18.00
- 12 to 24 Hours - $26.00